A Glitch In The Matrix

I've had many paranormal experiences in my life, perhaps the outcome of being somewhat empathic and intuitively sensing emotions and events over the years.

Whatever the case, a few years ago... actually maybe more than ten years by now (my how time flies and you don't even have to throw the digital clock out the window) I had a very strange experience.
I woke up and as usual for the time, stretched out half-asleep in front of my desktop (this was in those archaic pre-laptop days) and checked out Yahoo,com for the news.
And I saw that there had been a bombing in Tel Aviv, Israel my recollection these days (and perhaps not 100 percent accurate) seems to be that a synagogue was targeted and 12 people were already confirmed dead.

"Whooo!" I said to myself, and in my milieu as a political junkie, sought out some more information from the Web.

Alright I went to the Drudge Report of course.

And strangely enough, there wasn't a whisper of any bombing.

"Ehh," I thought, maybe Drudge is still sleeping. So I headed over to Free Republic.com, they always have a wide political lexicon of the current events and topics covered, so they are sure to have the latest update on the bombing.

And there was nothing there either!

I checked out CNN, the Daily Mail, New York Times I think the Boston Globe... silence, nothing,  empty of news.

I was puzzled... I was perplexed.

I said, "Wow!"

I headed right back to Yahoo news.

And incredibly, the story had disappeared from their site.

"What!?" I thought, "How can this be?"

Stupidly at the time, it never occurred to me to check the History function of the Firefox browser and pull up the original link to the story, though with the way things were going, it probably wouldn't have made a difference.

The story and the reality had somehow been wiped.

Somewhere, in some aspect of another reality, I do think a bomb went off in Tel Aviv that day, but just not in our reality. Our reality or perhaps I, encountered one of those glitches in the matrix that are difficult to explain, even if you have personally experienced one of them...

Image Credit: http://imglulz.com/theres-been-a-glitch-in-the-matrix/


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