Marvelle's Ghost?

How time flies!

Hard to believe so many years have now passed since this tale took place, but I still remember the details strongly, as they are etched quite clearly into my memories.

 I was in my room at the time, sitting on the couch. It was one of those elaborate foldout contraptions which could double as a sofa bed, though at that moment it was in full couch mode.  Night time it was, "the right time" as they say, and I was facing the west wall and the window, just sitting there quietly, when suddenly I felt an eerie cold presence to my left. In fact the whole room to the left of me felt as it had taken on a frigid composition.

Because I had spent many years investigating the paranormal and had a keen interest in the manifestation of ghost and spirits, one of the first thoughts that occurred to me, besides, "this is very strange indeed" was that perhaps I was in the presence of a revenant. I didn't talk to the frigidity as the investigators on these ghost chasing programs are want to do these days, instead I just sort of sat there a bit dumbfounded and wondered, what it all meant?

Eventually -- it was only a ephemeral period of iciness -- the chill went away and the left side of the sofa and room again became warm again... whatever the presence/being was, it had passed and I went back to doing what I was doing.

About twenty minutes later the phone rang -- landline -  twas the days before we all had mobile phones -- and my father picked up the receiver and took the call. He announced to us all, that Marvelle, who lived across the street and had been a dear neighbor to us for many years had died. It was a complete shock at the time. You never kind of expect such unexpected news when a person is healthy and their life passes right out of the blue.

I asked my father, when she had passed away, and I remember his words clearly to this day: "about twenty minutes ago." It was the same time as I had experienced the odd phenomenon.

I felt that, Marvelle had come to visit our family or me for one last time and to say goodbye.  I am empathic have a sixth sense, and seem to interact with paranormal phenomena, so she may have visited us all, but I may have been the only one attuned to her presence.

And when I was young, my mother spent some time in the hospital and it was Marvelle who took care of us, so there may have been a personal connection.

Whatever the case, it is nice when someone you know, can say goodbye to you, in whatever way possible... 

Image Credit: Untitled by Venetia Ellis-


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