The Ghost Of My Italian Grandfather?

A man looking like an old farmer -- small in stature, a bit bent over, carrying a hoe -- was witnessed by myself walking through our back yard, which was a bit of a surprise at the time, because you didn't see people cutting through our property, especially not going from the backyard to the frontyard. He was heading for West Street, located on the northward side of the property. So I moved to the living room to look out the front door to see the continuation of his journey. And there was nobody there!

Somehow, in that brief moment, when I moved from the entri-way windows in the south of the house to the front door in the north, he had completely vanished! I mean, I looked up and down West Street and checked out the neighbors's yards and there was no one there. Very strange and a bit spooky.

When I described the details of the sighting to my father, he suggested it could be the ghost/spirit of my Italian grandfather, my mother's father: Michael He at one time owned the property, he farmed this land, was an old Italian farmer and used a hoe on occasion. Perhaps his spirit was attached to the land or it may have been a residual haunting,an image imprinted from the past, reoccurring to someone sensitive in the future.

Of course, it should have dawned on me at the time, that it was not likely to be a living entity making the journey that the man did, because the back yard was fenced in on all three sides. Until he disappeared, I thought it was just a real, but unusual person walking through our yard, but how could he have got there with everything fenced in?

Well, the West Side is a ghost magnet with a long history, especially the Italian habitation of the area,
so to witness an actual ghost there was not entirely unexpected...

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