Why New England Is The Hellmouth

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I wrote the original version of this, so many years ago, but it is just as valid today....

New England is the Hellmouth, one of the strangest, if not the weirdest place and region on this planet. You have Bigfoot eating blueberries and lifting up police cars, and Thunderbirds dropping aluminum foil; lead weights falling from the sky, and money too.  There's a Giant Snapping Turtle in Ridgewood, CT, who eats outboard motors; and Champ the Lake Monster in Lake Champlain.  There's the Salem Witch Trials, and Lizzie Borden too.  Edgar Allen Poe was a New Englander, so was H.P. Lovecraft, and let's not forget Stephen King.

How about Mystery Hill in New Hampshire or the Gungywamp in Connecticut? People tend to disappear in the Glastenbury triangle in Vermont. There's a werewolf who mutilates animals (fortunately no people yet... and I say yet) in Dogtown, MA; and someone just shot a bunch of dogs in the Freetown State Forest, where Mary Lou Arruda was murdered amongst the Satanic graffiti.

New England is full of strange archeological remains.  There are stone vaults, and shell mounds, standing stones, a possible Mini- Stonehenge in Western Massachusetts. There are primitive astronomical observatories, laid out among various forest floors. Lots of Native American rock art - pictographs and petroglyphs.

Speaking of rocks, there's Dighton Rock with its mysterious markings; Plymouth Rock for the gullible tourists; the Grindstone in Middleboro, Massachusetts (A pretty spooky tale in itself).  How about Dungeon Rock in Lynn, MA: Tunnels, gold, and ghosts greet visitors there.

Legends and encounters with the "little people" abound ( the Pukwudgies are especially active in the Bridgewater Triangle towns.)  So are encounters with mysterious cats, and ghostly black dogs. Speaking of which, New England is infested with spirits. There are phantom choo-choo trains, and a haunted railroad tunnel. There's a ghostly gas station and haunted Funhouse in Vermont.

Ghostly heads moan in Warren, Rhode Island; as spectres walk down Benefit Street in Providence.  There are barns (and houses too) that vanish, only to reappear for the lucky or unlucky visitor. Haunted school houses are many, so are the reports of disappearing hitchhikers.  There are ghostly men in black, and ghostly ladies in white.  Ghostly ships, like the Palantine sail the seas.  Lots of Poltergeists too, with their strange manifestations.  Blood dripping from ceilings and walls; waterspouts shooting up from floors.  Seances here, seances there - more than 400 years of the occult.

Heading towards the ocean, mysteries are many.  Strange carcasses of large sea creatures wash upon our shores; while an occasional stray manatee makes its way here from Florida.  There are iguanas on the loose, and just this year, someone's pet cobra went AWOL, alligators in the sewers and local ponds and lakes.

Up above, the UFOs swirl about.  There's Betty and Barney Hill; Flying Saucer flaps; the Andreasson Affair.  Down below, you have the Dover Demon traipsing about Dover, Massachusetts. There are bears, coyotes, bald eagles and mountain lions.  Not to mention those beady-eyed turkey vultures, stalking the New England wild turkey. And extant Pterosaurs and Pteronodons flying the friendly skies of the region, which occasionally land and tangle with unlucky encounterers.

And how can I not mention the notorious Dogman! There have been sightings and strange interactions in much of the region... and the Mothman too, it/he/she/they made a colorful appearance in Rhode Island some time ago.

Meanwhile, along the Connecticut River, a whole village was done in by a Indian curse.  So was Dudleytown, the Haunted Connecticut Ghost Town, noted for hundreds of paranormal incidents.  And let's not forget the "Curse Of The Bambino."  That blight which affects the Boston Red Sox, forever doomed to lose World Series, because they traded away the "Bambino" - Babe Ruth to the hated New York Yankees. (Thankfully that's one curse which seems to have been banished several times over...)

There are mysterious booms in the sky, and from the earth, you have the Machiamoodus noise.  There are hidden silver mines, underground government bases (some even think there is one in the legendary  Bridgewater Triangle), and stone tunnels scattered about the New England countryside.

Plenty of cemeteries too.  Some haunted by the dead, some haunted by the living: Grave robbers.  Plenty of them throughout the history of New England.  Corpses for medical schools, and corpses for Dr. Frankenstein wannabees.  Which reminds me, "corpse candles" have been witnessed in New England; no doubt keeping the Ghost Lights company.  Or the other creatures of the night: The Vampires.  Many a corpse was dug up, their heart removed and burned, because they were suspected of arising from the grave, on nightly blood sucking journeys.

That's why New England is the Hellmouth...

Image Credit: https://www.beano.com/posts/the-ultimate-spooky-halloween-trivia-quiz


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