Intro: My Parents Favorite Sayings

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It's time to explore some wonderful New England and American colloquialisms straight from the lips of my parents. My divine father and mother had a heap of old school Yankee witticisms, just ready to roll out if the occasion merited it... and by golly did the interesting phrases just come tumbling out from their mouths to our ears every day as required.

All parents have their favorite catch phrases and dependable sayings, even some not too complimentary towards you at times, especially if you had done something wrong or screwed up, which happens a lot with children in general.

I'm sure it's universal and cosmological ! Even as we speak, from Zeta Reticuli to the Horsehead Nebula, some mother or father is scolding or encouraging their offspring with sage advice to learn from.

Sure other parents might tell you: A penny saved is a penny earned (with inflation and the general worthlessness of a penny these days, it's more along the lines of A Benjamin saved is a Benjamin earned) or Look before you Leap or Just because (fill in the blank) did something stupid, doesn't mean you have to do the same thing. Well, I heard none of those! Instead, my elders were more in to telling us things like...

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