Nature's Sensory Deprivation Tank

Image result for in a tent in a storm

Being in a tent during a vicious rain storm is a Claustrophobic Surround Sound experience. You are subjected to attacks of rain droplets hitting the tent at all angles of your enclosure. The noise drowns out most of the ambient environment around you and the outside perspective with it.

It is a natural form of sensory deprivation which allows your thoughts to take control of the situation and the moment  and very much a return, an encasement in a womb like atmosphere, where your first impressions of life arose.

The rain is you... Zen, Zen, Zen... You become the rain... Zen, Zen, Zen... The rain and you merge.... Zen, Zen, Zen... Each rain drop is a cell in my body... Zen, Zen, Zen... I am the Rain Mind, not the Raymond... Zen, Zen, Zen...

Let me flow over the waters of your soul.

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