Princess Shohista's Fable: When The Green Swallowtails Returned To Namangan

When the Green Swallowtails Returned To Namangan

Long ago, there were as many legendary kingdoms in the fabled Ferghana Valley in Central Asia as there were stars in the darkened northern sky or drops of rain during the monsoons in India.

These were the days of the great silk and spice trade routes, where over vast plateaus and steppes, almost impenetrable forests and towering cascades of peaks, insufferably hot deserts and valleys so deep as to take the breath away, great caravans of mighty large two-humped Bactrian camels and domesticated Turkomen Central Asian horses plied their trade and goods of exotic spices and opulent silks throughout Central Asia from the Royal Houses and merchants of what are now China, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia… and a plethora of more foreign locations.

At the center of the magnificent Asian trade routes was the lush and exceedingly fertile -- well irrigated by rivers such as the Kara Darya, Narya and Syr Dara -- Ferghana Valley, the heart of Central Asia, almost 300 km long, and protected by the mighty Tien-shan mountains to the north and the illustrious peaks of the Gissan Alal to the south. Known as “the Valley of our Souls,” being a holy place for the spirit, the Ferghana is located in what is today eastern Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrghizstan.

And historic, the valley saw empires rise and crumble, history in the making, conquerors sweep down the steppes and mountains; traditions, goods, languages, cuisines, immigrants, antiquities, and silks and spices flow over its precious confines.

So legendary indeed was the Ferghana, that over 2000 years ago, two Chinese armies marched 10,000 km into Ferghana to obtain one item, that was unique  only to the valley: the famous ”heavenly horse”, horses which “sweated blood”.

And right there, breathing in every influence of the valley in was the Kingdom of Namangan, one of the more populous and historic locales of the Ferghana.

Namangan, which was much larger in those days, than it is today, about the size of the American state of Connecticut and was considered the realm of the three mountains, the three sisters (of course they had more than three), but these beautiful and enchanting snow-capped peaks, many thousands of meters high, were known as the “Three Tears Of The Moon,” because their summits were covered year round with ice and snow. It was said that Magii, Wizards and Sorcerers lived on top of these mountains, we’re immortal, and had been there since the time of the Prophet, many centuries by now, and would be there a millennium from today.

The Conjurers we’re so powerful and mysterious, no one dared to climb to the tops of the peaks and it was believed that the Sorcerers and their arcane spells protected Namangan from evil, harm -- though others would argue the land-locked nature of the province -- and invading forces.
Whatever the case, Namangan had been at peace for hundreds of years.

And Namangan was mysterious: It was written there were “valleys of enchantment” in the kingdom, where no man had ever walked, or if they did, they simply had disappeared into the time-shrouded mists. In places, the forests spread out as far as the eyes could see, eventually melding in to gracious hills and dales, spectacular meadows, awe-inspiring waterfalls and deep caverns, where ancient Saints breathed their last earthly requests.

There were jagged perched boulders from time immemorial with arcane petroglyphs and pictographs, and tombs of wizened vizieres from eons past.

And Namangan was home to many wonderful mineral springs with the freshest, most satisfying waters which reinvigorated the body and soul after a long journey and soothing hot pools of healing waters, natural spas where many came to relax, to heal and to be healthy.

 Though Namangan was somewhat isolated, it was a place very hospitable and enchantingly friendly toward visitors, where everyone was welcomed, so that many travelers, merchants and sightseers  braved the vast steppes, formidable mountains, deep river gorges and innumerable deserts to make their way to the kingdom.

And the food was divine!

Though these were the days of “The Little Ice Age” and the world was in a deep freeze and had been for many many years and would be for many more.

But Dear Sweet Namangan persevered and thrived with a shortened and sheltered growing season from June to October, where everything grew so quickly and abundantly, as the soil was so fertile and rich. Crops, plants, trees and shrubs prospered in vast quantities. There was everything from exotic treats like succulent white peaches (every bite an explosion of honeyed juiciness), gigantic white mulberries, citrus fruits, plums, apples of every variety, raspberries… to more common staples such as wheat, rice, barley, oats and potatoes.

 From the great stores of wheat, prodigious quantities of Non, the renown Central Asian flat bread were produced, where every village in the province claimed their Non was more tastier than the others… and it may very well have been true! But it was not just non! The people of Namangan made  sweet breads and ribbon breads and breads flavored with this and that  exotic spice acquired through trade or home grown. Culinary speaking, Namanganians were most proud of their Plov, the rice pilaf dish eaten throughout Central Asian, and considered their Plov, whether beef, chicken or mutton/lamb to be the tastiest in the Ferghana Valley, if not the world.

And the Province possessed the hardest working, most creative honeybees in many a land scouting out delicious pollen, day and night. These industrious, friendly insects produced such sweet and healthy honey, it was a favorite to locals and international travelers, who came specifically for it’s healing properties.

And here in wonderful Namangan, lived  Shohista for all of her eleven years, being the fairest and most beautiful Princess in all the lands of the mighty Ferghana Valley. It was said her beauty and kindness were so deep and powerful, she sparkled like the famous Royal Diamonds, which were noted for their brilliance and clarity, they could lighten up the most darkened room just before Dawn.

The Princess possessed such well cultured aquiline features, that her beauty was already quite refined despite her young age. And old and young alike, raved about her majestic eyes, floating pools of liquid obsidian, an enchantment in their own way.

Young age indeed, for the Princess was a precocious and bright eleven-year-old, an only child, who was the love of the life of her parents – the King and Queen of Namangan – and grandmother, the Queen Mother. Together they all lived in the stately Royal Castle.

The Castle was the largest structure in all the realms of Namangan. It was a formidable building, over three hundred years old, and among the finest of it’s type in Central Asia. It featured tower after tower, parapets which reached 40 meters in height, a stately drawbridge, ornate stone walls kilometers in length, and even a moat. Yes, a good old fashioned moat which was home to the Royal Geese, Swans, Storks, Ducks and other waterfowl, who floated around quite contently,  feeding on bread and other treats tossed to them by visitors and the Royal Bakers.

And it was open to all visitors during the daylight hours. The drawbridge was always down and there were no guards in the towers. The Kingdom had been at peace for many a years, and the Royal Family we’re happy to entertain many interesting guests and hear news from both inside and outside of the Kingdom.

The Castle was a much beloved national landmark, especially during the summer when the courtyard was overflowing with colorful flowers, climbing fruits, blooming shrubs and ornamental trees all in blossom, permeating the air with a myriad number of wonderful fragrances. Many came to the Castle for picnics or to view the collections of the Royal Family, whatever the case, the Royal Bakery fed them all, cooking up sweet and succulent treats, sweets, breads and pastries, and those wonderful Namangan meat pies. No one ever returned home hungry…

 And here was the Royal Daughter, filled with happiness and joy, because it was the day before her twelve birthday, a very special occasion for any Princess or young girl, especially so in Namangan, for there was an age old tradition in the kingdom to wait for the day before a person's birthday to ask them what they wanted for a present?

After a restful sleep during her midday nap -- a respite from her morning classes with the royal tutors. During the day, the very learned Princess would study Geography, Algebra, Astrology, Royal Etiquette, Languages (she was tutored in Classical Uzbek, Russian, Old Persian, Tajik, Greek, Turkish and Arabic) and History and Cultures taught by some of the most famous scholars from Arabia, Central Asia, Greece, Armenia and China. It is noted in the records, that the Namanganians were among the most educated people for their time, very progressive, with school provided for both girls and boys, insuring that the society flourished with a smart and scholarly population – Shohista proceeded to the King's chamber.

The King's chamber in the castle was a magnificent sight with a blaze of glorious antiquities and arcane items, which stretched on and on, festooned with some of the most brilliant calligraphy and artworks in all of the East. There were platinum tablets covering the walls, and a diamond-studded walkway, which shined and sparkled, and the loveliest breathtaking rugs of every color imaginable. The grand room was also filled with many of the trophies and suits of armor, his Royal Majesty had won during his youth. And there were intriguing curios such as a collection of minerals and gems from throughout the Ferghana Valley. All in all, it was a splendiferous place to visit, with items to delight a child for many an hour, and a stupendous setting to govern the affairs of the kingdom.

 And there was the King before her, sitting on his massive throne of the purest gold. And the Royal Majesty was delighted to see her: “So my glorious daughter, the apple of my eyes, tomorrow is your big birthday. What would you like your father to give you for a present?”

Shohista was a bit nervous, though clearly excited because of the scope of her request, but she was always a forthright child, so she came right out with her wish: “Papa,” Shohista answered with a big smile, “What I would like most is for the Green Swallowtail butterflies to return to Namangan and ice skate with Joki, PuPu, Apple (the Royal Pets) and me at our precious Lost Lagoon.

The King almost rolled his eyes at the audacity of Shohista's request. “Oh my daughter,” he began, “you know it is our tradition to ask what their child wants for their Birthday, the day before the event, but my enchanting Shohista, you know the Green Swallowtails have not been here in the kingdom since the time of the Prophet. They were driven out of our fair lands by the civil war and the years of chaos which followed.
“Wouldn’t you rather have a diamond from Africa, more brilliant than the nearest star? Or perhaps magic stones from Plato's legendary Atlantis, which can instantaneously create heat and would keep you and the pets warm on your many adventures? Or the finest silks from the most exclusive bazaars in China? Or a group of Jesters from Japan to perform at your birthday party for your friends and you? What about a ride on the latest magic carpet, so we could see all of the Ferghana Valley together?”

“Oh My Father,” Shohista replied with a smile, “these all are tremendous presents indeed, and you may think I am a little spoiled {not that his Majesty would ever think that} with the magnitude of my request, but I was born under the sign of the butterfly and with all my heart, I want to skate with them.”

“But my daughter,” the King responded a tiny bit exasperated, “even if I could have the Swallowtails return, it is cold at the moment. Butterflies do not like ice and snow, and Namangan needs to be warmer for them to resettle here.”

“It is my Birthday wish, My Dear Father,” the Princess replied forthrightly.

“Very well My Daughter, your mind seems to be made up {and once Shohista made up her mind, she was of great resolve and it could not be changed}, his Excellency responded, “I will tell you what I will do. I will pray to Allah’s Angels for help in this matter, but I can’t guarantee you anything.”

“Thank you so much, My Dearest Father,” Shohista beamed, very much satisfied with his answer.

“Very well,” as he kissed the Princess on her forehead, “now go see your Mother, the Queen at her Royal Chamber, and tell her of your butterfly wish.”

The happy girl then proceeded to her Mother’s chamber and it was a magical place indeed! Lovely, so lovely, a sea of rubies and sapphires, silver chalices, the most beautiful China and porcelain, magnificent tapestries hanging from the walls, and ornate stained glass ceilings, which as the sunlight filtered through, imbued the room with a floating crescendo of every sort of color and hue, a rainbow of swirling pigments. It was a true thing of beauty.

And there sitting on her throne of spectacularly anointed silver and turquoises was the Queen, her mother. “Hello My Darling Daughter,” said Mom the Queen, as she kissed Shohista on both of her cheeks as was the custom in Namangan, “How is the Peach of my Heart doing?”

“Hello My Dearest Momma!” Shohista said enthusiastically, “tomorrow is my Birthday…”

“Yes, My Sweet Shohista, I am pleased to hear your Birthday request. What wonderful gift can your Mother bequeath upon Her Little Princess?”

“My Mother,” Shohista beamed with an infectious smile, “ when I go ice skating tomorrow at Lost Lagoon, I would like the Green Swallowtails to return to our Kingdom and join Joki, PuPu, Apple and me.”

{An aside: For you see, Dear Readers, the Princess had an little, adorable curly-furred dog named Joki, who never left her side and the two cutest Kitties: PuPu and her beautiful daughter Apple, who were Central Asian shorthairs. And they were the most adored pets in the entire Kingdom. In fact, the Princess’s pets were so adored, they had their own Fan Club. Yes, a Fan Club!

This was before the days of TV, Radio, traditional mail service, to say nothing of the Internet, but the Royal Couriers would deliver notices made out of rice paper (imported from China) with the latest news and illustrations of the pets done by the Royal Stenographers and Illustrators. And the Pet Diaries were of great interest to many of the kingdom's children. Princess Shohista received many questions and requests for various illustrations, which she happily answered and had delivered. Being courteous, Shohista tried to make sure every request and question was dutifully responded to.}

The Queen, surprised (for only her Shohista could come up with such a Birthday wish), but intrigued by the request began, “My Beautiful Shohista, it has been so long since the Green Swallowtails have been here, they are now the stuff of legend. I just don’t know if they can return in time for your Birthday after so many years of absence. Is there something else you may want? What about a majestic elephant from the wilds of India? Or a bird like a parrot you can have conversations with?”

Shohista happily responded, “Oh My Mother, these gifts would be resplendent indeed, but I would very much like the return of the Swallowtails. I was born under the sign of the Butterfly and feel great kinship with them.”

The Queen patted her daughter’s lovely head and said,” Very well My Precious Child, I will pray to Allah’s Angels for guidance on this request, but I do not know if your birthday wish can come true, and I don’t want you disappointed if it doesn’t.”

“Thank you so much, My Blessed Mother!” said an overjoyed Shohista.

“Very good My Daughter, now go see your Grandmother the Queen Mother, and tell her of your heart's desire.”

“Thank you, Mother!” and with that, Shohista was off to the Queen Mother’s chamber.

And a lovely place it was! Smelling heavenly of the most fragrant perfumes and incenses, beautifully attired with silk robes and curtains, a skylight of the brightest crystal, frescoes and sculptures, mahogany furniture, tables of food and spices for all to partake, and the Queen Mother sitting on her palatial bronze throne, all speckled with garnets and corundums.

“Hello to the Apricot of my Soul,” said the Queen Mother, hugging and kissing her pleasant granddaughter, “today is the day before your Birthday, so tell me your fondest wish?”

“Thank you, My Wonderful Grandmother! My Birthday Request is that I would like the Green Swallowtails to return to Namangan and go ice skating with our lovable little foursome: Joki, PuPu, Apple and me.”

“Ohh!” said the Queen Mother, “that was an unexpected request,” thought she, “but very typical of my Granddaughter.”

“My Dearest Granddaughter, I do not know if I can make it so? It had been centuries since the Swallowtails were here and a return would be miraculous. What about some Ruby Slippers? No one else in the kingdom has Ruby Slippers. Or a Chocolate Cake? It smells so wonderful and this chocolate comes from the much fabled land far away? You will be the first girl in Central Asia to have a chocolate birthday cake. It is a great honor!”

Shohista smiled broadly at her Grandma’s ideas and spoke: “Oh My Most Beloved Grandmother, these are such glamorous gifts, I don’t want to be rude and turn them down, but as you know, I was born under the sign of the butterfly, and my heart is set on the Swallowtails return.”

“Yes,” replied the Queen Mother, understanding the whimsy a young girl's wishes. But she did not want to see her Granddaughter hurt. And she knew there was no use in arguing with the Princess after she made up her strong-willed mind, said: “Very well My Child, I will pray to Allah’s Angels for assistance in this matter.”

“Thank so much, Dear Grandmother!” and with a kiss goodbye, off went Shohista, leaving the Queen Mother's Chamber, her heart filled with love and joy. She just knew that Allah’s Angels would answer the many prayers and the butterflies would return.

It was evening, the day before the Princess’s birthday. Shohista after leaving the Royal Chambers had rejoined her studies before returning for supper with the Royal Family. She was now resting comfortably in her room after being tucked in by her mother and kissed good night by her family members. The Princess began to pray: “Oh Allah, it would mean the world to me if the butterflies, the Green Swallowtails returned to Namangan and skated with me after being absent for hundreds of years. Amen. And Allah, bless Mom, Dad and Grandma, our wonderful kingdom and it’s kind people, and Joki, PuPu and Apple… and then she slept.

While Shohista played in the land of dreamy enchantment, the three other members of the Royal Family had gone to their respective minarets to seek help from Allah’s Angels.

Each of the elder members of the Royal Family had their own minarets, places of solitude and prayer. Princess Shohista was too young at the moment for such an accord, but it would come in time. The three pale white minarets were the tallest structures in the kingdom. They had been constructed at the cost of many gold pieces and were said to “reach the stars,” so high up they were, though they were actually around 300 meters in height, and each contained many thousands of steps to reach the top. It varied from the King's minarets, the tallest, to the Queen Mother’s, slightly shorter.

All three of them were made of imported white limestone, and reflected the sunlight, sparkling like three gigantic diamonds. The tops of the minarets were capped off with precious minerals: the King's was solid gold, the Queen’s was precious silver and the Queen Mother’s was stately bronze.

They were built by the finest engineers and stone cutters in all of Asia, and could be seen from many kilometers away. And we’re quite the tourist attraction. Visitors came from throughout the kingdom and many foreign nations to see the three gems of Namangan architecture.

And the view from the top was beyond spectacular! Ok need could see many far away sections of Namangan. The minarets allowed the Royal Family to keep an eye on events and movements throughout the kingdom.

As the Chronicles noted, the King's minaret was slightly taller than the other two, with many many steps to climb, which made the King wish he was years younger. The stairway up to the apex of the minaret seemed to go on forever, the King mused to himself, but finally he reached the last step and was reunited with his treasured telescope, a marvel in its own right, from which he could peer out to the stars or the far reaches of Namangan.

The Namanganians, a very scholarly and learned people, had studied astronomy and astrology for thousands of years and we’re keen observers of the cosmos. They knew many celestial functions, movements of stars, planets in the solar system, and other starry phenomena.

The King eschewed the use of his beloved telescope on this occasion and got right down to praying. He called for help from Allah’s Angels, that they would intercede on his daughter’s behalf and bring the Green Swallowtails back to Namangan. It was a difficult request, he knew, but Shohista was a special Angel all her own.

“She is kind to animals,” the King intoned, “she collects clothing for the poor of our kingdom,” the King further went on, “she bakes loaves of bread for the hungry and makes little dolls for the newborn babies of Namangan. Amen.

The King finished his prayers and returned to the castle.

While the King was praying, the Queen had made her way up the long continuous steps of her priceless minaret.

The Queen regretted having to climb so many steps, but it was for a great cause. “Praying is always a good cause,” she thought to herself.

The Queen began her prayers: Oh Angels of Allah, my daughter is a noble and sweet child. I only ask for one thing, that the Green Swallowtails arrive tomorrow for her birthday and make a young girl's happiness shine like a thousand suns. My Shohista is a wonderful girl. She is considerate and concerned for everyone. She is obedient. She is helpful. She even makes cakes for members of the castle staff, who are having their birthday. And she is very faithful. She says her prayers every day with all her heart. May her dream come true for all of us. Amen.” And back she returned to the royal chamber.

Although the Queen Mother’s minaret was the smallest of the three, at her age, it proved a great difficulty to ascend all the steps, but for her beloved Granddaughter, the Queen Mother would find a way.

After having some of Namangan's  purest mineral water from the sacred spring, she felt revitalized and began her prayers:

“Dear Angels of Allah, May you find it with your utmost grace to fulfill my Granddaughter's request and return the butterflies to Namangan. We have missed their presence since the time of the Prophet and would welcome them back greatly.

“ My Dearest Granddaughter is a special one indeed. She watches out for me as well as others. She massages my aching shoulders. She always has a cup of chai waiting for me in the morning. She always makes sure I take my medicine on time and goes to the Royal Apothecary to pick up the pills for me. She rubs my sore feet  with healing oils. Please, may she be rewarded for her good deeds. Amen.”

By the time all the members of the Royal Family had returned from their prayers, it was near midnight. And all three of them were exhausted, quietly falling into a deep, dream-filled sleep.
And each of them experienced a version of the same dream!

A globe, of the purest shimmering crystal, was brought to the King, Queen and Queen Mother by a group of three Angels, of a Stark beauty to rival anything ever seen by mankind. The Angels released the globe and it flew closer and closer toward each of them and then…

In the King's dream, he saw a globe with crawling worms, caterpillars to be exact, and remembered his dream but failed to see the significance of what the symbolism meant, and was occupied with other matters of royal dreaming at the time.

The Queen in her dream saw a globe filled with chrysalises and wondered about it’s meaning. It did provide her a little comfort and she found the Angels exquisitely beautiful.

In the Queen Mother’s version, the globe floated to her hands and she peered inside it, to see fully emerged Green Swallowtails… and then the globe shattered into a thousand pieces and the butterflies flew free all over the land. She at that moment knew Shohista's wish would be granted and then… You know how you wake up and promptly forget the substance of your dream and only remember fragments? Well, that happened to her!

The morning came and all the members of the Royal Family gathered for breakfast and to wish the Princess a Happy Birthday! None of the elder members of the Royal Family discussed their dreams, for in that era of Namangan’s history, the significance and symbolism of dreams was considered a private matter for the individual and not talked about publicly.

The Princess, could not recall any of her dreams, though she felt certain in her  pure heart that the Swallowtails would show up and was excited because it was her birthday and she had finally turned Twelve, a glorious time for a young girl.

The Royal Family doted on the Royal Princess, and made sure she had a hearty meal, for it was a long walk to the beautiful Lost Lagoon and she needed the calories. Her mother made sure, that the Royal Pets and her were bundled up. Warm against the cold. Joki, Pupu and Apple had their own little jackets, ear muffs and wool stockings for their paws.. And they looked exceptionally splendid with their Royal Collars, which sparkled beautifully replete with rubies and onyx.

The Queen had seen to it that Shohista and the pets had more than enough snacks, treats and sweets, she did not want any of them going hungry and the Royal Daughter carried everything in her backpack {Yes, the innovative Namanganians were the first people to invent the backpack and it greatly simplified transporting goods and items across the kingdom.}

If today a Princess went on a journey, she would require a bodyguard, but those were simpler times, Namangan was at peace and travel was very safe. And Princess Shohista was well loved by her subjects (a term Shohista disliked). She preferred to think of them as friends she had not met yet, not Royal subjects. Such was the wise ways of the Princess.

Shohista and the group also carried with them specially crafted skates. Namangan produced some of the finest steel this side of Damascus, and the Princess knew how lucky she was to have the most exceptional skates in all the land, and gave thanks for the blessing. Along with her own pair, she brought along little skates/gliders especially made for the paws of Joki, PuPu and Apple.

They truly indeed would make for a happy quartet all skating together on the lovely Lost Lagoon.

Lost Lagoon, if you are curious about its name, long ago, very long ago, was a coral atoll in a vast sea, which was uplifted by tectonic forces of great magnitude. The salt water surrounding the atoll evaporated away over the eons, and was replaced by fresh water, and the turned into a glacial lake by the current Little Ice Age. It was truly a spectacular place to go ice skating in the winter with its mirrored flat surface, like a sheet of ultra smooth glass.

Fully packed up, off they went on the long trek to the lagoon, not before receiving kisses goodbye from the Royal Entourage and told to be home by supper, so they could all celebrate her big birthday party together.
Walking on the path to the lagoon, the Royal Pets gleefully trailed after Shohista, roof-ing and meow-ing their approval of the grand undertaking. They were so well trained and intelligent, she did not have to worry about them scampering off the trail or chasing some of the wildlife.

Meanwhile back at the palace, the King and Queen were fulfilling their royal duties, so it was up to the Queen Mother to monitor the group's progress, which she did by way of the King's telescope in the Royal minaret. And what she saw was a playful quartet, laughing, barking, meowing as they made good progress in their journey.

Along the way, the happy group passed many people coming and going, merry tradesmen, school children returning or heading for classes, mothers carrying babies, people arriving from the far reaches of the province.
.. and the jovial Shohista talked to them all, gave sweets and treats to the young children, and promised to carry whatever requests the citizens had for the King back to the palace.

Finally after a long two hour walk over hills and dales and steep inclines, and down many valleys, across a few bridges, stopping to rest along the way and eat some snacks, the Princess and her entourage arrived at Lost Lagoon.

The lagoon as promised was a sheet of mirrored glass, pure white blue, looking dapper in the pure Namangan sunshine.

“Ohh, perfect for skating, “ thought Shohista, “this day is turning out to be better than I expected!” The Royal Pets barked and meowed in agreement.

And there was no need to check the safety of the ice, as the lagoon had been frozen solid for months. There were no safety concerns with the ice, which the Princess found very reassuring.

Shohista knew it was time to start skating! She bent down to fasten the special royal skates for the pets and they happily obliged her, letting the Princess work her magic without a whimper or whine. They were such well behaved and obedient pets, there were no surprises even if the Royal Daughter had to be very careful with the skates as the blades were very sharp. Task completed, Shohista carefully strapped on her skates and awayyyyy, the quartet entered the ice.

“WHEEEEEE!” the Princess shouted in exhilarated delight as the quartet zoomed across the lake like a jet rocket. Not that they had such missiles in those days, though given time the ingenious Namanganians  could have invented them.

“WHOooosh-whooosh,” this was the fastest the Royal Daughter had ever skated and it was exhilaratingly glorious! The speed… the freedom. And the Royal Pets kept right up along with her, having the time of their lives.

The very happy group skated here and there, performing Figure Eights, reverses, doing flips, skating parallel to each other and in single file and ice dancing, like a well synchronized performance. They all were naturals at it and it was beautiful to watch.

But with happiness comes a little disappointment. The Swallowtails had not shown up, but Shohista knew in her heart that somehow they would.

While back at the King's Royal minaret, the Queen Mother disappointingly noticed a large dark cloud in the east heading straight for Lost Lagoon. “Oh, this does not look good,” she thought to herself, “and she may have to dispatch a Royal Courier to tell her Granddaughter to return home at once.” She did want the Princess and the pets to become ensnared in a vicious snow storm.

The Princess had become aware of the ominous cloud herself as it had grown larger in size (than when the Queen Mother had seen it) and was now covering the entire eastern sky.

Though oddly enough, Joki, PuPu and Apple weren’t bothered by it at all, as they skated happily around. Usually animals when sensing a large storm coming, take shelter or become very nervous and agitated, but they performed more Figure Eights, Tens, and even Twelves with such an happy artistry.

Grandma at the minaret was very concerned however: “A giant storm is coming and Shohista needs to return to the castle immediately!” is what she thought and she was just leaving the minaret to summon a messenger, when couriers from all the  provinces of Namangan began to arrive at the Castle and reached the King and Queen.

At the same time, the Princess was preparing to leave with her Royal Pets, not wanting to get caught in the furry of the storm. She naturally felt somewhat let down and disheartened that she had missed out on the butterflies, but it had been such a lovely experience and a wonderful time, that much of the sadness passed, when they were all over taken the giant storm cloud!

It descended upon Joki, PuPu, Apple and the Princess in a massive engulfing! Wave after wave! It was too late to flee!

But this was no ordinary force of nature in action!

Shohista saw no snow or ice.

The Princess saw a massive azure green cloud!

It Was The Butterflies! The Green Swallowtails!

Millions of them covering every portion of land and sky, as far as the eye could see!

Shohista was Thunderstruck! Her heart was Thundered! It leaped up to her throat. The Green Swallowtails had returned. And they came prepared for Namangan's cold weather of ice and snow. They wore little ear muffs on their antennas and they had come dressed in tiny, green-emerald coats, which looked splendiferous. They even had brought along miniature double insulated houses to protect their baby butterflies in the chrysalises. And even more amazing, many had on micro skates and gliders, and these Green Swallowtails flew down to the icy surface of Lost Lagoon and started skating in pairs. Many thousands of these butterflies joined Shohista and the royal pets in intricate ice dances across the Lagoon. The Princess’s heart so gladdened, she gave thanks to Allah and his Angels for making a young girl's dream come true.

Back at the castle, the messengers did not inform the King of a great storm of ice and snow threatening Shohista a and the kingdom, but that reports were arriving from all of Namangan that the butterflies, the Green Swallowtails we’re filling the skies of the kingdom.

The King and Queen thanked the royal couriers for the wondrous news and gave thanks to the Angels of Allah for their help. A young girl’s faith had brought the Green Swallowtails back to their rightful place and people everywhere within the kingdom were celebrating. For in Namangan, butterflies we’re considered a sign of good fortune and to have so many arriving in the kingdom at one time was very lucky indeed.

And so it was written in the Chronicles of Old Namangan…

It’s noted that Princess Shohista went on to have many more adventures and eventually became Queen, where she ruled long and kindly, being a favorite of her people for many an age...

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