
I did not know how to love the rain...This year I realized that I love rain... Tears? No, it's rain. Does it hurt? No, everything is in order. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? I do not understand. Memory? It is not so fresh. Heart? Split it does not stick together. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? They do not change ...

                     Shakhnoza Salieva

True they keep falling on our heads, as a popular American song told us years ago, but raindrops and rain definitely have the power to inspire us as they inspired the enchanting Shakhnoza Salieva.

Possessing a magical quality during one's youth and a romantic appeal later in our lives, rain purifies, cleanses, washes away the sins and grime, the dark impurities that defile our souls and environment and brings forth a freshness, a clean new beginning.

And look at how the most gentlest of souls, children, appreciate the rain? It is an irresistible lure to them. When it rains, many want to go outside and play in it. I can recall from my own youth running outside in the rain, sometimes sans clothing, especially on hot summer days, when I was very young, jumping in puddles, exploring rivulets and cascading streams of water running down from the hill above my house, watching the small surges of liquid taking away odd bits of debris on a journey to who knows where downstream? 

And rain can be as beautiful as the graceful Shakhnoza.  The sound of raindrops softly falling on a roof is hypnotic, romantic, a soft staccatto that brings to the surface, memories of great past loves, or at times melancholy like a sad song, that intertwines with your thoughts. 

And rain is even more romantic if you are with someone you care for, and as the raindrops leave their little pitter-patter on the roof, there is a nice fire in the hearth and the two of you are cuddled together under a warm blanket, drinking a glass of wine or even sparkling cider with soft music playing in the background... 

Or, out in the rain, under a shared umbrella, embraced by a feeling of happiness and togetherness, laughing as the cool drops, occasionally intrude upon your space with a tickle to the skin of wet delight.

And best is a nice rainbow after the storm. Rainbows are a magical ending to any story, even if you don't find the pot of gold...

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/300193131384831215/


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