Divorced Men Say What?

In America, you're invited into other people's lives, whether you want to be there or not. I was held captive in the Cardiologist's office listening to these two men from the Middle-Boro discuss the ins and outs of their divorced lives and here it is...

"How's your wife?"

"We're divorced!"

"Really, when did that happen? I didn't know!"

"Yeah, after 25 years of marriage."

"Wow! Did you leave her or she left you?"

"She just left all of a sudden."

"I didn't know you were having difficulties?"

"Neither did I?"

"What did you do with the horses?" (They both apparently had horses.)

"She sold hers and I sold mine."

"And what about the house?"

"I just got the closing papers on it, just been sold. I'm moving out to a trailer on Highland Road near Tremont."


"My dog won't like it, he used to run through our woods, kept him unleashed, had 10 acres of land, let it develop into woods."


"Where's your wife living? She still in the local area?"

"Next door!"


"I bought land next to our place for the In-Laws to build a house on and the wife moved in with her parents. We see each other every day, and she always asks what I am doing, or who are those people coming on my property... and I tell her, 'Hey, it's none of your business anymore!'"


"What about your boat?"

"Just sold that."

"What about your Harley?"

"Got rid of that too, but when the house closes, first thing I'm doing is heading down to the bike place and get another one."

"Hmmm. Hey, take care. You know, when I'll be around."

"You too."

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/159948224250119634/


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